属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-咨询公司 战略举措
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 特朗普从叙利亚撤军 沃伦角逐2020美国大选
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-小行星探测 黎明号初试锋芒
1 | 他模仿任何人的笔迹能以假乱真,叫你看得笑掉大牙。 | He could imitate anybody’s hand so closely that it was enough to make a person laugh his head off to see it | |
2 | 他为了避免发生争吵而克制住了自己。 | He restrained himself in order to head off a quarrel | |
3 | 为扮演一个秃头男人,演员把他自己的头发剃光了。 | The actor shaved his head off in order to portray a bald man | |
4 | 为防止意见的分歧,他略过细节。 | He slurred over the details to head off disagreement. | |
5 | 我要是再看到那个小孩到我的果园里来,我就揍他。 | If I see that kid in my orchard again I’ll knock his head off . | |
6 | 我已说了对不起,没有必要再向我大发脾气。 | I’ve said I’m sorry, there’s no need to bite my head off | |
7 | 我只是问问我是否能帮什么忙--用不着这么气势汹汹地回答我。 | I only asked if I could help-there’s no need to snap my head off . | |
8 | 我昨晚很晚回家,我母亲严厉责备了我。 | My mother bit my head off because I came home late last night. | |
9 | 有人指称陈水扁是在上演"苦肉计",总统府办公室公开陈水扁的伤口照片来响应。 | To head off speculation that Mr Chen staged the shooting, his office released photographs of his wounds. | |
10 | 在这样的情况下,美联储再次表明了将短期利率维持在低水平的意愿,既为防止出现令人担忧的经济低迷状况,也为推动就业增长。 | The Fed has again shown its willingness to keep short-term rates low in order to head off feared weaknesses in the economy and promote job growth. | |
11 | 蟑螂在头被切掉后仍能活好几个星期。 | A cockroach can live several weeks with its head off . | |
12 | 珍在聚会上吃得很多。 | Jane ate her head off at the party. | |
13 | 芝加哥黑熊队将动身前往爱尔兰,他们在和匹兹堡钢铁队举行表演赛之前将在爱尔兰进行为期一周的训练。 | Chicago bears head off to Ireland where they will spend a week’s training with the Pittsburgh Steelers before exhibition match. | |
14 | 诸葛亮一句话,激怒了老将黄忠,只见他大声喊道:"军师太小看人了,我黄忠愿取张郃首级,献于军师帐下。" | This irritated veteran Huang Zhong. Huang shouted: "Advisor has looked down upon me. I will get his head off and offer it to you." | |
15 | ||1:为阻止珊瑚面临的更大威胁而采取的更激烈的干预措施也应该会吸引更多的研究。||2:在大堡礁的部分地区,人们正在讨论用一种聚合物薄膜作为防晒霜来给珊瑚礁遮阴。||3:其他帮助珊瑚的计划包括基因工程、选择性繁殖和在珊瑚礁上空的云层上撒盐,以使云层变亮,从而转移更多的太阳能。||4:这些措施听起来可能有些极端,但人们需要习惯于从长远考虑。||5:应对气候变化带来的问题需要一些激进的想法。 | ||1:More drastic intervention to head off the larger threats corals face should also attract more research.||2:Shading reefs using a polymer film as a sunscreen to cool them is under discussion for parts of the Great Barrier Reef.||3:Other schemes to help corals involve genetic engineering, selective breeding and brightening the clouds in the sky above an area of the reef by spraying specks of salt into the lowest ones, so that they deflect more of the sun’s energy.||4:These measures may sound extreme, but people need to get used to thinking big.||5:Dealing with the problems caused by climate change will call for some radical ideas. | |
16 | 如果销售被批准了,博斯的合作伙伴收到了全额支付并能转移方向后,接下来的几年里对它成功与否的考验将会到来。 | If the sale is approved, the test of its success will come in a few years, after Booz’s partners receive their full payout and can head off . | |
17 | 以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡(Binyamin Netanyahu)呼吁在4月9日举行大选,比原计划提前了7个月。许多人认为这是内塔尼亚胡试图阻止可能的腐败指控。 | Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, called for an election to be held on April 9th, seven months earlier than originally scheduled. Many see this as an attempt by Mr Netanyahu to head off possible corruption charges. | |
18 | 在绕行灶神星轨道一年后,黎明号将施展航天探索中少有的绝技——它将重新点燃发动机向另一个天体的轨道进发。 | After spending a year in orbit around Vesta, Dawn will perform a trick rare in space travel—it will reignite its engines and head off to orbit another body. | |
19 | 这样她既平息了要求拆分公司的呼声,又推高了公司股价,由此在公司重树威信。 | By doing so she was able to head off calls for a break-up of the firm, while still boosting its shares, thereby restoring her authority. | |
20 | “当我们回到车上的时候•••,他正在切割男子的脑袋,掏他的内脏,”Caton说。 | "When we came back on the bus. . . he was cutting the guy’s head off and pretty much gutting him up, " Mr Caton said. | |
21 | “怪咖”是在马戏团中把动物的头要下来的人。 | "Geek" is the circus guy who bites the head off of live animals. | |
22 | 奥运在即,中国有关部门努力防范各种问题,他们表示已经加大力度打击分裂分子。 | In the run-up to the Games, Chinese authorities, looking to head off troubles, say they have stepped up antiseparatist activities. | |
23 | 本报曾支持将核能作为阻止全球变暖的一个工具。 | This page has endorsed nuclear power as one tool to head off global warming. | |
24 | 持续的疲软促使华尔街一些经济学家呼吁华盛顿出台重大干预措施,以防市场陷于长期停滞。 | The ongoing weakness has prompted some Wall Street economists to call for major intervention by Washington to head off prolonged stagnation. | |
25 | 出气是“危险的人为变暖”的后果之一,哥本哈根首脑会议将试图阻止。 | Outgassing is one of the "dangerous anthropogenic warming" effects that the Copenhagen summit is trying to head off . | |
26 | 但就是这1%的旅程很可能包含了夏日假期,也就是那个人人挤进汽车,奔向海滩的美好时光。 | But that final 1% of journeys presumably includes the summer holiday when people pile into the car and head off for the coast. | |
27 | 但帕尔希望努力阻止商业市场这种试验。 | But Perls hopes to head off commercial efforts to market this kind of test. | |
28 | 但是这不能阻止上升的挫败感。 | This may not be enough to head off rising frustration. | |
29 | 但一些分析师表示,这些政策来得太晚了,来不及遏止楼市泡沫。 | But some analysts say the policies have come too late to head off a property bubble. | |
30 | 遏制财政危机的努力必须从实施严肃的长期改革开始。 | Any attempt to head off a crisis of government competence must begin with serious long-term reform. |